Saturday, 21 April 2012

Environmental Portraiture of young black men!

Working with a young project based on identity of young men! I didn't want to create images of negative influences such as; money, degradation of women, cars, etc but keeping it real with 'looking up to the sky,' - 'the world is your oyster'!!

I have created a range of samples, needs a lot more work...

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Monday, 2 April 2012

Esther Lin

Lovely work of Esther Lin!!!!

Sunday, 1 April 2012

A Rasta Brother...

...this is who we are...

Ask yourself the question, what do you categorise 'Gangs of young people'? 

For example:
a group of persons associated for some criminal or other antisocial purpose: a gang of thieves.

Currently working with young men to inspire them to reach their goals from fashion designers,  musical interest and other passions!!! Strong images that identifies young men!!!

These young men are respectful, polite and hold a strong united front of their community and their beliefs!!